John 3:16
Houston Self Defense and Houston Martial Arts
Known by some of the VERY BEST in some of the very WORST PLACES
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System
Houston Martial Arts, Houston Hand to Hand Combat,Houston Reality based Martial Arts, Houston Self Defense, Houston defensive Tactics
PSALM 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
"Surviving crime and violence in today's world...is a dark gift."
Whether learning to win, escape or just surviving crime, war and violence, this dark gift of skill we will pass onto you here at our Dark Gift Combat.
because your life is more important than any system or style.

PFS training methods that are used extensively by United States military and law enforcement agencies, and have saved lives around the world.These simple and effective military training methods are now available for general public for self defense.
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System Houston's
Foremost Authority and premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Self defense Facility. In real life, when it just has to work...Also training military and law enforcemnet in Hand to Hand Combat and Close Quarter Combatives.
Houston Reality based Martial Arts, Houston Self Defense, Houston Martial Arts, Houston Hand to Hand Combat