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Houston's Reality-Based Self Defense Martial Arts, Combatives  training is based on  Real-World Techniques of combat and personal safety; training that you can use in your everyday life. While some martial arts programs teach techniques that would rarely be encountered or used in real life situations, our martial arts programs at D.G.C. are street-wise and completely reality based. Our programs are based on successfully integrating numerous styles of martial arts into one cohesive system. This system has proven very successful in defending oneself against single and multiple attackers, both armed and unarmed. This system "PFS"  is used by navy SEAL team 6 and numerous law enforcement and military forces around the WORLD and D.G.C.F.S  utilizes P.F.S. as our core system.

Hand to Hand Combat Houston
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Houston Defensive Tactics

Throughout this industry, there are many variations and terms for "Reality Based" systems. These are the variations, terms, and definitions as we have come to understand them, and we train them all:

Reality Based Self Defense (RBSD) - Self defense training based on real life situations such as street fights, attacks, or any other real life altercation where one may be physically threatened. The techniques are not modified for sport competition, there are no rules, and no forbidden techniques. Most of the techniques are designed for maximum impact with minimal training in situations where the defender may be threatened by serious harm or loss of life,  

Reality Martial Arts / Reality Based Martial Arts (RMA / RBMA) - The same as RBSD but many Martial Arts traditions are upheld such as "dojo ettiquette", ranking systems, or other historical/cultural aspects of the art(s) from which the system has evolved from. RBMA may also introduce more "control" techniques than RBSD, giving the defender the ability to choose the level of force applied to the attacker. This system works well for Law Enforcement Officers that have legal restrictions or for individuals that may be involved in a skurmish where they do not wish to harm the attacker such as a family member or friend. 

Reality Based Combatives / Military Combatives / Close Quarter Combatives (CQC) - The same as RBSD and RMA/RBMA but geared more towards Law Enforcement or Military Professionals. More attention is given to techniques for legally restricted officers and "down to business" techniques for Military Professionals in live combat areas.












                                                   Rules Go Out The Window 

We established D.G.C. to help both the every day individual, as well as the military and law enforcement professional, with a practical and effective martial art and self defense system. D.G.C.F.S. is not a martial art as known in the Time-Honored "TRADTIONAL" way like Tae-Kwon-Do , Kung-Fu, etc. D.G.C.F.S. teaches a fighting system which emphases instinctive movements, practical techniques, and realistic training scenarios 
(no forms). NOTE:  forms are NOT bad, We just do not use them. 
We train to be effective in the street environment. As Martial Artists, some of us may have been trained to compete within the rules of competition. These rules, when faced on the STREET with a physical altercation, go straight out the window and are replaced by self-preservation and protecting our loved ones. D.G.C. does not teach forms or katas. 
D.G.C. students begin each lesson with the understanding that anyone can be a "victim or prey"!! 

"You fight the way you train... and you train the way you fight."
Reality Based and Environmental Training is what D.G.C. is all about !! The techniques were developed to be simple and extremely effective. They are based on your gross motor movements that the human body naturally reverts to in a panic induced state, such as fighting for your life. These are known as "Self-Preservation Skills." Many of these skills are so effective and dangerous to an attacker they have been outlawed by full-contact combative sports like UFC. Due to their integration with your gross motor skills, you will master them in no time and will be able to walk with confidence. There are no flashy or fancy movements and all techniques are quick and to the point! 

We also do not "spar" in the traditional sense. At D.G.C. Typical sparring usually involves putting two students of relatively equal skill up against one another where they pick there shots and engage in a strategic, but yet controlled, match. There are rules in place and each opponent uses controlled strikes. This does not train the body nor the mind in the same duress and/or intenstiy that one would encounter on the street or on the battlefield. Without training the mind properly, the body will not react the way it was trained when fear sets in and adrenaline surges through the body. Not even UFC style MMA cage fighting prepares you for this. Even thought the natural "nervousness" of combative competition may set in, the athletes are not afraid for their lives, they are protected by rules, and there is a referee there to moderate and protect the fighters. This is not a theory, it is a proven physiological fact. At DGC, we've replaced traditional sparring with reality based, fight/combat scenario training we call A.R.C. (Action Reaction Continuum), This system is designed to force students to react and fight in the same reactive and stress induced way just as they would be in real life and not the safety of the studio or a sporting event. Broken rhythm, "non choreographed" movement, and real-time action is essential for reality based training!



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