John 3:16
Houston Self Defense and Houston Martial Arts
Known by some of the VERY BEST in some of the very WORST PLACES
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System
Houston Martial Arts, Houston Hand to Hand Combat,Houston Reality based Martial Arts, Houston Self Defense, Houston defensive Tactics
PSALM 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
Offering Real world training to become one of the finest Reality Based Martial arts, Hand to Hand and Combatives Instructor in the industry.
We are training to survive in the street first and foremost but some of you in the military and local/ goverment agencies its your life. getting certified is the last thing on your mind. However, there are those professionals in the Military/Law Enforcement/ Security & Martial Arts community who would like to teach the ideology, techniques and training methods of Dark Gift Combat Fighting System. For us to officially do this requires a certification Program. Certified Instructors officially teach the "D.G.C.F.S. training curriculum they have received from D.G.C.F.S. and their certification will be verified by D.G.C.F.S. if/as needed.
Independent of that, they may also teach any other art or system as they see fit, we do not discriminate against any style or system. They are not bound to the D.G.C.F.S in any way nor do they pay any continual dues, unless the School or Instructor becomes part of D.G.C.F.S If this is the case, they may operate as a Center for D.G.C.F.S facility and they may certify others in the name of D.G.C.F.S They may certify others according to the training that they themselves provided to the individual at their facility according to their curriculum, policies and procedures. Those considering this must understand one thing,
"YOU WILL EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION". There are no politics. For those who are unable to train on a regular basis, all other experience will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis. It will, however, come down to the training plain and simple. Moving from one level of instructorship to another is based solely In two things, ability and time. For more information please feel free to e-mail us or call us.
PLEASE NOTE: anything over Apprentice Instructor MUST COME to The D.G.C.F.S. Head quarters to test and get certified. Also all Instructor Trainees ARE USUALLY LOCAL.
I.C.P. Instructor Certification Program
The I.C.P. program is now offered, this program helps instrucors to get trained, listed and helps market you with a great organization. The training will cover MIL/SIMS, Tacical airsoft training, force on force, weapon retention, carjacking, counter home invasions,Gun counter Gun, hand counter knife, basicly the full D.G.C.F.S. discipline. I.C.P. are required to become proficient in the entire D.G.C.F.S. disciplines. Please understand there will only be 273 I.C.P. in the U.S. & 100 abroad. These 273 & 100 will be recognized as D.G.C.F.S. instructors. I.C.P. are required to pay a $100.00 monthly fee. This fee will cover continued training with Mr. & Mrs. Traylor at no additional cost. Once you have come to the 2 day intense Training with Mr. & Mrs.Traylor cost is $1500.00 I.C.P. will be the only instructors that we will link their website to www.darkgiftcombat.com Those seeking instruction will be able to check the D.G.C.F.S website or call the our organization directly to locate a I.C.P. in their area. They will also be part of a NEW established worldwide organization.
PLEASE NOTE : The above mentioned is you come in person and train directly with Mr. / Mrs.Traylor OR Mr. Gaston on line training is Different.
What is length of the training & where?
Your instructor's training seminar is two days and will be held in Houston, Tx. at the D.G.C.F.S. Head Quarters.Your training time will start at 10am - 4pm Saturday & Sunday.
What are the levels of Instructor disciplines
Apprentice Instructor Level1 is qualified to Instruct Level 1 of the H2H,
Apprentice Instructor Level 2 is qualified to Instruct Level 2 of the H2H.
Phase 1 Instructor L1 is qualified to instruct the full H2H discipline.
Phase 1 Instructor L2 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 1 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's I.E. ground or stick ect.
Phase 1 Instructor L3 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 2 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's
Phase 1 Instructor L4 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 3 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's
Advance Instructor must have completed 3 out the 5 disciplines and must be a level 2 in the other 2 disciplines
Expert Instructor can instruct in the 5 major disciplines and is a Full instructor in all 5 of the major disciplines.
Tactical Instructor can instruct in all of D.G.C.F.S Disciplines.
What is the Tution?
The I.C.P. training course is $1500.00 for 2 days of intense Training with Mr./Mrs.Traylor or Mr.Gaston, Ranking and Certification upon completion of the training.The training will be video taped for you.All training gear will be provided. I.C.P. are required to pay a $100.00 monthly fee.This fee cover training with Mr.Traylor at no additional cost. list you & your own webpage on our site. Discounts on video and shirts seminars ect.Please Note: This is just the beginning of your training. YOU are required to come to D.G.C.F.S. at least 1 time a year to train with Mr.Traylor and test for the next Instructor level.
How do I enroll?
There 2 ways to enroll in the I.C.P.
1)pay $1500.00, come to D.G.C.F.S. for the 2 day training then $100.00 monthy tution fee.
2) pay $100.00 monthly tution and get dvd level 1 & with in 1 year come to D.G.C.F.S. & pay $1500.00 for the 2 day training.If Wish to enroll in I.C.P. program contact Mr.Traylor and will be on your way on becoming a D.G.C.F.S. Instructor. Till then, Train Hard, Train Safe, Train for Reality
Night Stalkers is the elite of D.G.C.F.S. It is the highest level of instructor. BUT it is by invitation only!! The instructor must show exemplary ability and loyalty to D.G.C.F.S. NIGHT STALKERS are also the elite OPFOR TEAM. Night Stalkers are required to meet and train 2 times a month for Tactical firearms, urban survival ect..ect…Once an I.C.P. reaches this level IF he or she is out of state or to far to travel He or She must come 2 times a year and be team lead of OPFOR TEAM for that area or state. OUR MOTO IS ANYWHERE EVERY WHERE.
N.i.g.h.t. S.t.a.l.k.e.r.s. Creed
Never shall I fear any place, any person or situation except for GOD above for is the creator.
Integrity is what I live by and what I exemplify in my daily life.
Great and undying respect is what I have for the leader ship of the Elite Night Stalkers, as well as my fellow night stalkers “No Man/Women left behind both in battle and in Life tuff moments”
Highly devoted to my training whether it be mental or physical So I can achieve the highest degree of success in life.
Treat every situation as a potential threat until that potential threat is neutralized by the 3 D’s DETECT,DEFUSS, DEFEND OR DESTROY
Tough decisions are made easy by the rule of 3.
Attention is giving to detail both in life, training and life threaten situation because lack thereof could prove to be fatal.
Listen to your intuition this could save your life or that of a family member in a life threaten situation.
Keep all Defensive tools and gear clean and functional at all times.
Every struggle is a victory and every Victory is a struggle.
Retreat Never but we will regroup.
Please note: Not all Disciplines are listed here

On-Line I.C.P. Training
The On-Line I.C.P. training is almost the same, The difference is that is done on-line and the tution is different, the level of instructorship is also different. The tution for I.C.P. $350.00 down and $150.00 a month
Apprentice Instructor Level1 is qualified to Instruct Level 1 of the H2H,
Apprentice Instructor Level 2 is qualified to Instruct Level 2 of the H2H.
Phase 1 Instructor L1 is qualified to instruct the full H2H discipline.
"IF HE/SHE has upload a video on youtube of teaching the DGCFS course to students"
IF the I.C.P. passes the he'/she will be notified and certification will be sent. This apply for all levels of Phase1 instructors.
Phase 1 Instructor L2 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 1 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's I.E. ground or stick ect.
Phase 1 Instructor L3 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 2 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's
Phase 1 Instructor L4 is qualified to instruct Full H2H plus Level 3 of whatever Discipline he/she chose's
Full Instructor I.C.P. & above must come to D.G.C.F.S. and test before the D.G.C.F.S. Instructor.
Advance Instructor must have completed 3 out the 5 disciplines and must be a level 2 in the other 2 disciplines
Expert Instructor can instruct in the 5 major disciplines and is a Full instructor in all 5 of the major disciplines.
Tactical Instructor can instruct in all of D.G.C.F.S Disciplines.
All I.C.P. will be listed on our website with a page of their with a bio and pic and a link to your webpage