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List of D.G.C.F.S. active Instructor

                                                                        Mr.Traylor Founders of the new D.G.C.F.S.

Executive Training Officer
                                                              Curriculum Development       Security Curriculum Development

Curriculum Development                                                                    Executive Training Officer             Executive Training Officer      

             Mr.Traylor                                                                                               Mr.Gaston                                           Mr. Sanchez


                                                                Mr.Traylor is the founder of  Dark Gift Combat Fighting Systm. 38 + Years of Martial Arts and Hand to Hand
                                                                combative and Defensive Tactics experience.
                                                                TCLEOSE Certified Law Enforcement Instructor
                                                                Certified Pistol Instructor

                                                                Tactical Firearms Instructor 
                                                                Level 3 / Commissioned Officer Certified Instructor
                                                                L 4 Personal Protection Certified InstructorCommissioned Security OfficerPrivate Investigator all of the above Mr.Traylor 
                                                                is certified through the State of Texas More state certification are forth coming 
                                                                Induction - in the Martial Arts Hall Fame IIMAA
                                                                Induction - in the GNOPRBFI for R.B.I. of the Year
                                                                P.F.S.. - Certified Phase 1 Instructor - Under Paul Vunak
                                                                P.F.S.. - C.E.I. Certified Instructor - Under Paul Vunak
                                                                P.F.S. - Certified Edge Weapon Instructor under Paul Vunak
                                                                Certified Instructor - S.T.A.R. Method - Paul Green
                                                                Certified Defender Instructor - Peter Brusso/Paul Green
                                                                Instructor level 3 - Filipino Combatives - Hochheim
                                                                Instructor level 3 - Unarmed Combatives Course - Hochheim
                                                                Instructor level 3 - Kempo Karate-jujitsu - Hochheim
                                                                Instructor level 6 - Advanced Gun counter gun combatives - Hochheim
                                                                Instructor level 3 - Pacific archipelgo combatives which are Single Cane ,cane Knife,Double Cane ,Knife,Double Edge 
Weaponry,Mano Mano/ Silat,Karate/ Kenpo,Jujitsu - under Hochheim
Recognized Instructor - Defense Tactics "ICSDA"
Recognized Instructor - Close Quarter Combat "ICSDA"
Recognized Instructor - Combat Martial Arts "ICSDA"
1st Dan - Hap-Ki Do
1st Dan - Kenpo
1st Dan - Black Arts Close Quarter Combat
1st Dan - Jui-Jitsu
2nd Dan - Tae Kwon Do
Black Sash - Palm YE Kung Fu
C.P.R. / B.L.S. - Certified










                                                                 Mr Gaston is owner and founder of the new Dark Gift Combat Fighting System 
                                                                 Has 10 experience in the Martial arts and Defense.

                                                                 Mr.Gaston is an I.C.P. & Certified Full Instructor in  H2H & Combative Fitness 
                                                                 He also head the Combative Fitness  Discipline.

                                                                 Mr.Gaston trained in Gojo Ryu and reached Brown belt under Sensei Abdur Rahim

                                                                 Mr.Gaston has trained in Isshin Ryu Karate and reached the level of 2nd level green belt  
                                                                 under Senei Mandell Rhodes Although these Martial Arts are VERY STRONG in Tradition   
                                                                 Dark Gift Combat has proven to be one of the best  Fighting System when it comes to reality    
                                                                 based  Combatives and defensive Tactics, This is why  I've  chosen to be  apart of  

                                                                 D.G.C.F.S. Mr. Gaston is looking to become a D.G.C.F.S. Night Stalkers Instructor and wishes to open a  D.G.C.F.S.
                                                                 satellite school in Houston metero area.
                                                                 Level 2 Stick/Baton  Discipline.

                                                                 Level 3 Defensive Pistol.
                                                                 Level 3  Combative Pistol.

                                                                 Level 1 Carbin
                                                                 Level 1 Shotgun

                                                                 Level 3 S.E.W.R. Spontaneous Edge  Weapon Response.

                                                                 Level 3 Night Stalker Team Member 






                                                                                                                                            Apprentice Instructors



                                                                Mr. Sargent Sanchez Born in Year of the Dragon and a son of a former golden gloves boxer. Starting boxing at a 
                                                                young age and had a passion for other forms of self-defense. Began career in the security industry 2006 with  
                                                                aspirations to become a self-defense instructor. He began cross training in various self-defense modules which include;
                                                                Boxing, Kickboxing, F.I.G.H.T. (Fierce Israeli Guerilla Hand-to-Hand Tactics), Level 1 Tactical Pistol Marksmanship Training,
                                                                S.O.S.U. (Slacks On Sights Up) Hoffner Training Academy, and Special Security Response Team Training, He has also a
                                                                Field Training Development Officer and has many hours of training officers in the field. He continues his passion in self-
                                                                defense and trains with Mr. Traylor and is I.C.P. & Certified Apprentice Instructor H2H L1







                                                     Mr. Morales More than 16 years of fitness, martial arts, self defense, and fighting experience. Started at age 8 by learning
                                                              Filipino Martial Arts from his father. United States Marine Corps Veteran (Infantry Rifleman)

                                                              Honorable Discharge, Specialized in Hand to Hand Combat Marine Corps L.I.N.E. Training (Linear Involuntary  
                                                              Neurological override Engagement) 
                                                              Certified Apprentice Instructor H2H L1 & L2- Dark Gift Combat Fighting System.
                                                              Certified Personal Fitness Trainer - American Council on Exercise                                            
                                                              Certified Sports Nutritionist - National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association 
                                                              Certified CPR-  American Heart Association
                                                              Certified Apprentice Instructor - V-Force (Xtreme) Scientific Fighting Concepts 
                                                              Certified Close Combat Instructor - International Association of Close Combat Professionals 

Certified Military Combatives / Self Defense Professional Instructor - The Self Defense Company   
Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor - International Combatives Self Defense Association (iCSDA)
Certified Combat Martial Arts Instructor - International Combatives Self Defense Association (iCSDA)
1st Degree Black Belt (Tae Kwon Do)
Red Black Belt (Hap Ki Do)
Blue Belt (Kenpo) White Tiger Kenpo Karate System 
Certified Edged Weapons Defensive Tactics Instructor - S.A.B.E.R. System 
Level 3 Instructor Officer Conflict Training with Compliance, Direction and Takedown (CDT)
Mr.Morales is now in the Chicago area & Runs the Chicago WARRIOR FIT II FIGHT TRAINING.
We at D.G.C.F.S. wish Mr. Morales the best and look foreword in helping him succeed. He can be reached at






                                                             Mr.Ledgisteris an Apprentice Instructor and an Operator for an independant contractor overseas. He has completed
                                                             several courses including:
                                                             CENTER AXIS RELOCK (CAR) System, developed by Paul Castle 
                                                             High threat protection operations course
                                                             Protective Services Operator's Training Course.
                                                             Counter Ambushes Course.
                                                             Shooting From Vehicles Course.
                                                             Advanced Instructor certification for expandable police baton.

                                                             Level 1 S.W.A.T. Course.
                                                              W.M.D. "Weapons of mass destruction" 
installation preparedness responder awareness.
Law Enforcement driver training.
Inter-service non-Lethal individual weapons instructor.
Crowd dynamics / crowd control.Strait baton tactics.
Defensive tactics ,Military operation other than war course.
Tactical consideration Course,
Barriers & physical security.
(OC) SPRAY Level 1.
Mr. Ledgister is now an Apprentice Instructor with Dark Gift Combat Fighting System.He is looking forward to becoming a full MASTER COMBAT INSTRUCTOR with D.G.C.F.S. We welcome Mr. Ledgister to our deep pool of Apprentice instructors.











Houston Martial Arts Instructor

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