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Houston Hand Gun Training
Houston Tactical Gun Training

We dont train you to shoot to KILL
We train you to shoot to LIVE


















(Please note: that that exact discipline content can and will vary depending on the skill level of the participants in the class.)



                                                                 Pistol Basic : This class discipline is an entry level course for handgun shooters and is designed specifically for                                                                          those who have not had any formal instruction.
                                                                 Topics covered include the following: safety, stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger control. Familiarization with                                                                  their service pistol includes field stripping and cleaning your gun . In addition to this, Other topics that are covered                                                                    include reloads.
                                                                Class requirements:

                                                                Eye & Ear protection (electronic hearing protection is strongly recommended)

                                                                Serviceable handgun of at least 9mm Para caliber

                                                                Serviceable holster

                                                                Minimum 1 double magazine pouch

                                                                Minimum of 3 serviceable magazines (5 is better)

                                                                800 rounds of ammo for two days – factory service type (no reloads)

                                                                Suitable range wear depending on the season

                                                                Good attitude




                                                                 Pistol L1 â€“ This class discipline is for shooters who have had at least a basic pistol class either from Mr.Traylor or                                                                      any other accredited instructor. State concealed carry certification classes specifically do not qualify.
                                                                 Topics covered include:  basic pistol topics, malfunction drills diffeent shooting stands. Introduction to timed fire                                                                    drills and evaluations based on class skill level. Concealed carry methods are also covered.


                                                                Class equipment requirements: 
                                                                Eye & Ear protection (electronic hearing protection is strongly recommended) Serviceable handgun of at least 9mm                                                                   Para caliber Serviceable holster Minimum 1 double magazine pouch Minimum of 3 serviceable magazines (5 is                                                                           better) 800 rounds of ammo for two days – factory service type (no reloads) Suitable range wear depending on the                                                                   season Good attitude







                                                                 Pistol L2 â€“  Review of topics in Basic Pistol & Pistol L1  
                                                                 Topics covered include: more advanced shooting and skill drills,strong hand and weak hand shooting. Courses of                                                                    fire to be used are based on the skill level and evaluation of the shooters.
                                                                 The shooter will leave the course with a firm grasp on strengths and weaknesses and drills to help themselves                                                                             improve.


                                                                  Class equipment requirements are the same as Pistol L1.

                                                                  Ammo requirement is 1000 rounds.

                                                                  No waivers from any other instructors granted.

                                                                  Pistol I is a prerequisite for participation in Pistol II.


                                                                  Class equipment requirements are the same as Basic Pistol & L1.

                                                                  Ammo requirement is 1000 rounds.

                                                                  No waivers from any other instructors granted.

                                                                   Basic Pistol & L1 are prerequisites for participation in Pistol L2.

Hand Gun Training Houston
Tactical Gun Training Houston
Tactical Gun Training Houston
Hand Gun Training Houston

Advance Defensive Pistol Discipline  

Pistol Craft next level on Force on Force matrix.


































This is the course From Dark Gift Combat everyone is talking about! It is  one of the most comprehensive 2-day pistol class in Houston! This course discipline is literally a life saver. Dark Gift Combat Defensive Pistol course discipline prepares you to prevail in a real world violent confrontation and many students have gone on and done just that! This intensive course covers an incredible amount of material in just two days and we have been told that it covers more than any 5 day course at the "big schools".


Topics include the role and attributes of the handgun, legal aspects of deadly force , mental conditioning for combat, movement and communication. Live fire AIRSOFT drills include both one- and two-handed shooting, shooting on the move, use of cover and concealment, loading and reloading, using both eye level as well as retention techniques, at a variety of ranges and from a variety of body positions. This course is about 40% lecture on mindset, tactics, skill, and legal issues but don’t worry because you will still be shooting  BOTH AT TRAGETS & Each with airsoft so you know what it is like to move and shoot and not get hit 







Advance Pistol L1 –  Slicing the Pie "Pieing"  is the term used for a technique used to traverse a corner while clearing a structure or while maneuvering around structures/objects out of doors.

In general, there are but a small handful of methods for dealing with corners, rooms, stairwells etc. This is typically a "dynamic" tactic where speed of entry and aggressive action is required. Or you can "Slice the Pie" to negotiate the turn, which is a systematic clearing of the area in "slices".

It is a 16-40 hour course at this time. 

Class equipment requirements are complation of Pistol L2.

This Discpline is Airsoft Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor


























Advance Pistol L2 –  Drawing your pistol from an open carry or concealmant is a task while under duress.
Topics covered include: Drawing your Pistol from the holster Isosceles stance
Drawing your Pistol: From the holster kneeling position
Drawing your pistol: From the holster on your back
Drawing your pistol: From the holster while forward running
Drawing your pistol: From the holster while running back wards.
​introduction to C.A.R. Center Axis Relock method of pistol draw and pistol combat, Drawing your gun from concealment

Class equipment requirements are complation of Pistol L2.

This Discpline is Airsoft Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor





























































Advance Pistol L3 –  Drawing your pistol from concealmant is a task while under duress.
Topics covered include: Drawing your Pistol from the concealmant Isosceles stance 
Drawing your Pistol: From the concealmant kneeling position
Drawing your pistol: From the concealmant on your back
Drawing your pistol: From the concealmant while forward running 
Drawing your pistol: From the concealmant while running back wards.
Level 1 of C.A.R. Center Axis Relock method of pistol draw and pistol combat from concealment

Class equipment requirements are complation of Advance Pistol L2.

This Discpline is Airsoft Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor













Advance Pistol L5 –  Pistol retention, Crisis pistol recovery is a task while under duress.
Topics covered include: Pistol retention, Crisis pistol recovery  
Pistol Retention: From the concealmant in holsters
Pistol Retention: From  holsters draw
Pistol Retention: From isosceles stance
Pistol Retention: From pistol grab

Class equipment requirements are complation of Advance Pistol L4.

This Discpline is Airsoft Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor








Advance Pistol L6 –  vehicle gun fire discipline.
Topics covered include: In car application
Opening Door Application

Exiting Vehicle Threat in front Application
Exiting Vehicle Threat on side Application
Vehicle Threat on Front Application
Vehicle Threat on Back Application
Vehicle Threat on Bottom Application


Class equipment requirements are complation of Advance Pistol L5.

This Discpline is Airsoft, Simm and Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor





























Advance Pistol L7 –  Force on Force 
Experience the practical application of the skills and tactics you have in your arsenal using airsoft handguns/rifles which shoot plastic projectiles (bb's) up to 400 fps. Develop your reaction times when faced with simulated attacks with a knife or handgun. See how you respond to an attacker running at you full speed from 21 feet with a plastic knife (Tueller Drill). Experience first hand attacks from close contact and intermediate distances. Practice shoot house tactics against armed adversaries...quite different from shooting targets in a shoot house. 

Topics covered include: Judgment Pistol Shooting
Clearing rooms
Clearing parking lot

Clearing Home
Armed attack 21 ft rule 
protection of family 
Battlefield pick ups
Wounded family member 

Class equipment requirements are complation of Advance Pistol L6.

This Discpline is Airsoft Live fire.  safty gogles or glasses and soft body armor






























































Advance Pistol L8 Center Axis Relock  (aka) C.A.R.

Designed by Paul Castle. The most notable feature of the CAR system is its unique firing stance. There are four positions that are taught, each of which is used based on how far the target is from the shooter, as well as various tactical considerations for the situation. All firing positions are based on a "bladed" stance, which means the shooter stands sideways relative to their target, with their non-dominant arm's shoulder facing the target. In addition, all four positions involving keeping the firearm very close to the torso compared to other shooting stances, and in all but one, the weapon is held tilted slightly to one side, rather than vertically. The four individual positions are described as follows:
High, Combat High, Extended, Apogee.






Cardiovascular-Distress-Shooting is a unique Discipline of training. We at D.G.C.F.S. focus on this discipline to help shooters and Security & L.E.O.  to better prepare for that potential gun battle. This discipline could potentially save your life or that of your love ones.
Here is a small out of what you could face at our complex. We will not let you know what your discipline outline will be till you are here.

                                    A typical obstacle course will likely be similar to the following:

Start in a patrol car with your seatbelt on and your hands on the wheel or at the end of your home.
When instructed, get out of the patrol car, open the trunk and retrieve a baton and an inert firearm or run from the corner of your home to the other end.
Place the firearm on a nearby pedestal.
While carrying the baton, run 220 yards.
Climb or jump over a short wall., High step over several low hurdles., Belly crawl, Drag a dummy weighing 150 pounds or more 50 feet.
Drop the dummy and repeat the rest of the course in reverse, Belly crawl, High step, Wall climb or run up stairs, Run 220 yards.
Dry fire the handgun or Tactical Airsoft live fire at target and Return to patrol car or house.


Dont miss this awesome discipline.








Hand Gun Training Houston
Pistol Training Houston
Tactical Pistol Training Houston
Houston Tactical Pistol Training
Pistol Training Houston
Houston Tactical Pistol Training

Here is a video below of a R.A.T. 2.0 "Rapid Assault Tactics"Seminar utilizing PEEKABOO BARRELING. Clients 1st time. alot of mistakes are made..BUT THAT IS WHY WE TRAIN!!!!!

houston gun defesnse
Houston Tactical Gun Training

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