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Houston Women's Self Defense
Reality-Based Self Defense for Street Application

                                              The Truth about women's self-defense & Reality Based Self defense

Look ladies, most of what you have read or been told about women's

self defense is a LIE! Did you know that most of what is taught in Women's Self Defense Seminars is all but useless in a real life attack? they teach you techniques that are are not gross motor skill. 99% of the Women's Self Defense videos teach techniques that would never work on the street! Learning Self Defense at most martial arts schools will do nothing but give you a false sense of security!I have over 37 years of experience and teaching martial arts. I can tell you beyond any doubt that most of what is being taught today in martial arts schools, women's self-defense seminars, and videos... just won't work in a real attack! If you have read any of the other pages on this website, you know where I am going with this. If not well here we go.

Houston Womens Self-Defense: Reality Based Street Appliction - 
The Truth look at the numbers :

One rape or sexual assault occurs every two minutes.
One violent crime occurs every five seconds in the U.S. 
172 Women are physically and/or sexually assaulted every hour 261,000 rapes and sexual assaults occurred in
the 200090,186 forcible rapes in 2000 as reported to police In the year 2000, 2.8 % of college women
experienced rapein a six month U.S. Department of Justice study17% of rape or sexual assault victims were
victimized by someone theyknew One murder occurs every 34 minutesStatistics from: National Center for
Victims of Crime - Year 2000 "Sorry Icould not get statistics for 2007 and 2008"


So what is wrong with most traditional training?

Nothing is actually wrong with it. It's just that most, if not all traditional training does not teach resistance training or anxiety and stress induced scenarios.

Why is that imperative?

The natural effect of real aggression causes what is called an"adrenaline dump". This fear induced, high volume
shot ofadrenaline is normal and natural, and cannot be stopped, even by experienced black belts. It's just the
way the body reacts.The effects of this "adrenaline dump" can be devastating, especially if you are not prepared
for it. The main problem is thatmany of the techniques that are taught in traditional martial arts based women's
self defense training are too complex for theaverage person to learn to properly execute in a short amount of
time. This is especially true under the duress of an all outstreet attack.Techniques that are highly complicated
tend not to be executed properly, if at all, when the pressure is on and
adrenaline levels are high.

Techniques not designed for women.

A great number of the techniques taught by traditional arts were not designed for women because, historically, it was the men that fought in battles. Most of the techniques taught in traditional martial arts are still based off of what was taught centuries ago. They require too much upper body strength and a lot of the other movements are just "fluff." It will not help you in a real street attack.

What does work... and why?

 D.G.C.F.S. is the solution that is effective in a street attack. Womenare not normally as strong as men and lack the
same upper body strength. Mr.Traylor, has designed a proram 15 seconds of danger is an program design to help
women & parents defend & protect themselves and their kids during the 15 seconds of walking from the car to the
store or vice-versa and loading and unloading kids and groceries. Learn Defensive Tactics to help you load &
Unload your kids in the car and your groceries while also being vigilant about your surroundings. Use your
Shoppingcart as a buffer between you and your assailant,Tips and strategies as well as 

Criteria for street efficiency

It has to address the inevitable "adrenaline dump" which is the natural effect of fear induced aggression and the 
It has to be simple enough to teach women in days or weeks instead of years!
It has to be effective regardless of the body type of the attacker. "Size does matter."
It has to be quick, effective and decisive! No B.S.
It has to address real street situations and sexual assault instead of the typical studio environment.
It has to teach verbal and physical boundry setting skills as research has shown many physical confrontations can be avoided using these techniques. "Be aware of your surroundings."
It has to be easy to learn.
It has to take into consideration that women are, generally, physically weaker and have less upper body strength than men.
If you have taken women's self-defense / rape prevention seminars that DID NOT TOUCH on street efficiency or the criteria listed above, then you might need to rethink what you think you know about self-defense. This class will also cover weapons such as a Koppo stick or the Kubotan stick, which are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, can fit on your key chain, and are legal to carry.

Come and try a free week of Street Self-defense


Houston Women's Self Defense
Houston Women's Self Defense Tactics
Houston Women's Self Defense

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