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About Dark gift Combat Fighting System

Houston's Foremost Authority and premier Reality Based  Combatives ,Martial Arts & Self defense Tactics Facility


Dark Gift Combat Fighting System is part of Several organizations These professional Combat Instructors & martial artists dedicated to the education and training of Both civilian and Military Personal. We at Dark Gift Combat Fighting System are proud to be affiliated with these organizations.


Dark Gift Combat core system is Progressive Fighting Systems. PFS is based on the implementation of the most effective comabtives Military technology. Dark Gift Combat Fighting System is based off of PFS Progressive Fighting Systems. D.G.C.F.S. is an authorized PFS training center.



Paul Vunak and Mr.Traylor Pahse 1 Instructor Houston

Sifu Vunak with Mr. Traylor

Paul Vunak and Mr.Traylor Pahse 1 Instructor Houston

Hock with Mr. Traylor

Dark Gift Combat also use Hochheim Knife, Stick Gun, Hand system based on the implementation of the most effective comabtives Military technology. Dark Gift Combat Fighting System is also based off of SFC Scientific Fighting Congress International.



D.G.C. was established in Southern California in 1993 in the city of RANCHO CUCAMONG and is now available for classes here in HOUSTON, TEXAS. Even though D.G.C. is not intended for sport MMA, Mr. Traylor has also been associated with KING OF THE CAGE. He not only trained some of the fighters but trained with them to sharpen his skills in the cage.
D.G.C.F.S. is Not a replacement of what ever system you training in BUT it gives you additional techniques to pull from and add to your tool box of combative ability


                                            "How does Dark Gift Combat differ from other schools?" 
In short, we are Reality Based, Combat Scenario driven training program: Unlike traditional martial arts, our methods do not take years to master.Unlike sport MMA, we don't train for points, tapouts, or "by the rules." We train with reality, for reality.
We teach modern weapon offensive tactics, not just defense. Our proven track record of training various military, government, law enforcement, and private security organizations.
Dark Gift Combat is FIRST and Foremost a Reality-Based Training / Martial Arts complex. We are a combat-scenario driven training program but offer a wide variety of Martial arts Disciplines from the novice wanting to train or just get into shape to the expert combat instructor or martial arts master. Everything we do at D.G.C. is based on real world techniques of combat and personal safety. Training that you can use in your everyday life. While some martial arts programs teach techniques that would rarely be encountered or used in real life situations, our Defensive Tactics & Combatives Disciplines at D.G.C. are street-wise and completely reality based. Our Disciplines are based on successfully integrating numerous styles of martial arts into one cohesive system. This system has proven very successful in defending oneself against single and multiple attackers, both armed and unarmed. This system "PFS" is used by navy SEAL team 6 and numerous law enforcement and military forces around the WORLD!!

"You fight the way you train... and you train the way you fight."
Reality Based and Environmental Training is what D.G.C. is all about !! The techniques were developed to be simple and extremely effective. They are based on your gross motor movements that the human body naturally reverts to in a panic induced state, such as fighting for your life. These are known as "Self-Preservation Skills." Many of these skills are so effective and dangerous to an attacker they have been outlawed by full-contact combative sports like UFC. Due to their integration with your gross motor skills, you will master them in no time and will be able to walk with confidence. There are no flashy or fancy movements and all techniques are quick and to the point! 

We also do not "spar" in the traditional sense. At D.G.C. Typical sparring usually involves putting two students of relatively equal skill up against one another where they pick there shots and engage in a strategic, but yet controlled, match. There are rules in place and each opponent uses controlled strikes. This does not train the body nor the mind in the same duress and/or intensity that one would encounter on the street or on the battlefield. Without training the mind properly, the body will not react the way it was trained when fear sets in and adrenaline surges through the body. Not even UFC style MMA cage fighting prepares you for this. Even thought the natural "nervousness" of combative competition may set in, the athletes are not afraid for their lives, they are protected by rules, and there is a referee there to moderate and protect the fighters. This is not a theory, it is a proven physiological fact. At DGC, we've replaced traditional sparring with reality based, fight/combat scenario training we call A.R.C. (Action Reaction Continuum), which is listed in our programs below. This system is designed to force students to react and fight in the same reactive and stress induced way just as they would be in real life and not the safety of the studio or a sporting event. Broken rhythm, "non choreographed" movement, and real-time action is essential for reality based training! 

We train in all five ranges of combat - Projectile, KICKING, BOXING, TRAPPING and GRAPPLING
D.G.C.F.S. teaches the FIVE RANGES of combat as well as the FOUR WEAPONS of combat. These weapons, or a variation of these weapons, are the most prevalent in modern world and are what you are most likely to encounter in todays societies. We not only train how to defend against the weapons, but how to use them as well so that you know how to use it in the event you disarm your attacker. Otherwise, that weapon becomes a liability to you. 

                                                                 The Four Weapons of Combat:

BODY - This relates to all forms of unarmed hand-to-hand combat.

STICK - All forms of sticks and staffs or anything that may resemble these. (Escrima stick, hanbo, broom stick, pool cue, crowbar, baseball bat, axe handle, plunger handle, etc.)

EDGE WEAPON - All forms of edged weapons. (Kitchen knives, daggers, folders, pocket knives, broken glass, jagged metal, hunting knives, combat/tactical knives, etc.)

FIREARM - All forms of handguns, rifles, and assult rifles and sub-machine guns.
Some examples of how you will use these weapons in the FOUR RANGES OF COMBAT are: "Hand vs. Hand" "Hand vs. Knife" "Hand vs. Stick" "Hand vs. Gun Threats" gun, rifle. As well as counter training, such as knife counter gun , gun counter gun , ect...

We also use weapons of opportunity and improvised weapons, such water bottle, cd jewel case, tie ect..

                                                                                         The Five Ranges of Combat:


PROJECTILE RANGE - This range of combat utilizes weapons such as pistol, rifle, slingshot, bow and arrow.
Projectile range includes any weapons that fly through the air. 

KICKING RANGE - Almost all altercations start at a distance. We consider this kicking range or probing. In this range, you can deliver strong, powerful kicks just as in TAE-KWON-DO, MUAY THAI, SAVATE, PANANJAKMAN ect... In this range, your kicks can go low-line, which means kicks to the legs, or high-line, which means rib high or head high. Our methods of kicking are very unique. Most Martial Arts teach you to kick only in the stand up but we do more than that. If you are not much for kicking, then the probing kicks are for you!! Meaning, your kicks will be low to the legs but just to set you up for your hands. From here, you transition to BOXING RANGE. 

BOXING RANGE - In this range, you will use boxing techniques to facilitate close quarter combat such as JABS, HOOKS ,UPPER CUTS, and CROSSES. You can also use MUAY THAI ELBOW STRIKES & KNEE STRIKES, as well destruction techniques to the fist and body, including head butts, which brings us to the TRAPPING RANGE. 

TRAPPING RANGE - In this range of combat, you will facilitate JEET KUNE DO, HUBUD, and KALI trapping as well as HEAD BUTTS, MUAY THAI ELBOW STRIKES & KNEE STRIKES to the thigh or ribs. All of these techniques are very quick and effective. In CLOSE QUARTER COMBAT a lot of people think all you can do is PUNCH!! BOY ARE THEY WRONG!! If you have been paying attention, you would have noticed the TRANSITION from one range to the next. How fluid these changes are become vitally IMPORTANT. In the trapping range, the transition to AIKIDO, JUDO, and CHINESE FAST WRESTLING is very smooth. The throws and locks are from the stand up position. You do not have to go to the ground, which brings us to the GRAPPLING RANGE. 

GRAPPLING RANGE - D.G.C.F.S. GROUND SURVIVAL - The ground is the last place you want to find yourself in a street fight, because you compromise mobility. However, should you end up there, D.G.C.F.S. Ground Survival teaches you how to deal with a ground attack. Remember, "The ground is not your friend." D.G.C.F.S. will show how to properly strike and kick from the ground as well as use B.J.J. (Brazillian Jui-Jitsu), SAMBO, CHINESE FAST WRESTLING, JUDO, and AIKIDO as well as techniques on how to protect against weapons attacks. (Weapons can be incorporated at all 4 ranges of combat.)

"Are you bad mouthing traditional martial art and M.M.A.? 
                                                                 My traditional martial art is self-defense and reality-based too!"

First and foremost I am instructor and teacher." - For me not to inform you that your Traditional Martial Arts or M.M.A may not work in  a real life situation would be carless of me. This is why I say what I say, and write what I write. 

Here is where we stand on Traditional Martial Arts and M.M.A. - We respect all Martial Arts. All are advantageous to learn and train in, they have several health and spiritual benefits, they help get you into shape, they improve discipline, and they are great for kids. I, personally, love traditional martial arts and M.M.A. In fact, that is my back ground and it will always be. HOWEVER, there are Instructors out there that claim their style is a complete system. Beware of false claims. Make sure that their training will give you TRUE REALITY-BASED training that can save your life and protect your loved ones! Otherwise, RUN... They will get you hurt or killed! This not just my belief. Many others such as The Self Defense Company, Close Combat Comany, P.F.S., Jimmy Wagner, etc. all state the same thing. 
What we teach will enhance any art you already study. I do not intend to replace what you have learned. That is not the reason or purpose Of D.G.C.F.S. It is to give you additional tools for a street altercation and let you look outside of your style or system to enhance your fighting ability. 
So dont get mad at us.

Ask yourself...

Can you protect your family with traditional martial arts / M.M.A.?     POSSIBLY  
Can you protect yourself if a weapon is used, "knife, stick, gun?       POSSIBLY   did the train you for such an event? 
Can you utilize the weapon you procured?                                         POSSIBLY   did the train you for such an event?
Can you protect yourself if you are stabbed or shot?                          POSSIBLY   did the train you for such an event?  
Can you protect yourself if your strong arm or leg is hurt?                  POSSIBLY    did the train you for such an event? 
Can you protect yourself if there are multiple attackers?                     POSSIBL       did the train you for such an event?

Is "Possibly" a good enough answer? - When the S#!$% HITS THE FAN and I have to protect my family, I do not want to depend on "POSSIBLY". I want training that helps me in all of those Categories. My life and my family's lives maybe at stake. I want to be able to come home and be with the ones I love. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. My hope is that you NEVER have to fight for your life... but IF you do, wouldn't you want to have the cards stacked in your favor? HELL YES! 

© 2004 DARK  GIFT COMBAT FIGHTING SYSTEM. Proudly created with

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