John 3:16
Houston Self Defense and Houston Martial Arts
Known by some of the VERY BEST in some of the very WORST PLACES
Dark Gift Combat Fighting System
Houston Martial Arts, Houston Hand to Hand Combat,Houston Reality based Martial Arts, Houston Self Defense, Houston defensive Tactics
PSALM 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
What I believe
My Opinion
"We both see the moon...But with different speldor and awe" - Mr.Traylor
"When the mind is tethered to a center, naturally it is not FREE; it can move only within the LIMITS of that center." -Bruce Lee.
D.G.C.F.S. is Not a replacement of what ever system or style you training in BUT it gives you additional tools for your combative or defensive abilities.
Martial arts can be divided into 3 categories: Traditional Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts, Reality-Based Martial Arts. The problem is that, thanks to movies, TV, Internet, You Tube, Instructors, ect., there is no actual proof of any one method of fighting being completely dominant in all situations. Martial Artists have blurred it to the point of non-existence. While all have many overlapping elements, it is important for you to understand that each category is distinctively different and must be treated as such.
TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS - Traditional martial arts contain every style from traditional Karate, Hapkido, Kenpo, Escrima, Aikido, and kung fu, to the countless other cultural traditional martial arts that have been developed throughout history. Some traditional martial arts systems originate from military combat experience and self defense needs for people. These systems have been tested and proven under realistic conditions back in the 500 CE era, when they FOUGHT with HONOR, but has not been PROVEN in MODEREN DAY. Things have changed in this world we live in but, none the less, all of these arts are fun to do, help get you into shape, instill discipline, and are great for kids. They can all be very interesting and provide an education in world culture and martial arts theory. However, no cultural fighting art has any proof of dominant effectiveness in the modern world. That means that Aikido, Karate,Tae-Kwon-Do, Kung Fu, and countless other cultural traditional martial arts, are not proven effective in combat or street application. Nor does it even classify as proven effective in combative sport such as U.F.C. and cage fighting. So, without an abundance of proof, it is only martial theory, not fact. Even with their pretty forms, they have no place in self protection. Don't get me wrong, all of these styles can POSSIBLY help you out of a tough jam because a scientific way of combat is better than NO way of combat. However, traditional martial arts instructors give there student a false sense of security. Traditional martial arts DO NOT TEACH the necessary reality-Based Scenarios or resistance training in order to prepare you for the stress of a real life situation.
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS & COMBATIVE SPORT - M.M.A. & Combative Sports include Olympic judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, all forms of wrestling, western boxing, and M.M.A., which has been popularized by events such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In combative sport, you are forced to prove the effectiveness of your methods and skill in live combat. There is no guesswork nor debate. It either works and you win, or it doesn't work and you lose. Everybody in the world saw Combat Sport Brazilian Jiu-jujitsu stylist Royce Gracie easily pick apart the cultural fighting art practitioners in the first few Ultimate Fighting Championships. If you watch Olympic Judo, you'll see the highest caliber athletes in the world competing in a sport that is symbolic of combat in that the entire basis is to establish a dominant position. Combative Sport is a very, very important component of testing the validity and effectiveness of a martial art. HOWEVER, it too is not reality-based martial arts or combat driven. It is only a training and conditioning method for self-defense. Combative sport is what you use to train yourself to make sure that your self-defense works under sport conditions. A great example is, simply, that that the rules, regulations, and referees that are required in combative sport are NOT going to be there when someone is trying mug you, rape you, trying to hurt a family member, or trying to kill you in a dark alley. Therefore, NO, even today's most popular training methods: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, etc. are not methods of reality-based martial arts either.
REALITY-BASED - The definition of the term "Reality-Based" is, training and survival skills based on modern conflict situations that the practitioner is likely to encounter in their environment (their "reality").
Sounds simple right? The real issue is that there are a million-and-one different ways you can be attacked. Everything from a drunk tackling you at the local bar to an armed mugging on your way home from work, a carjacking, or being caught in the middle of a military or terrorist operation. Therefore, Reality-Based Martial Arts have one purpose, and one purpose only; To survive. What we mean is that no sane person, soldiers, professional fighters, or trained martial artists truly want to hurt or kill a human being. But when it comes to bodily injury or a "kill or be killed" situation, your natural survival instinct WILL take over and do whatever it can to save your life so you can go home to your family. Learning to properly defend yourself is much more than just avoiding injury, humiliation, or even death. Our greatest enemy of all is : Fear & Incorrect Training. There IS no 100% answer to anything, but when it comes to matters of bodily injury, life and death, or protecting loved ones, the smart thing to do is stack the odds in your favor.
The "Tao of D.G.C." - Our Dojo and Training Philosophies
"Cry in the Dojo, Laugh on the Battlefield"
We do not train for ego and we do not train to look for trouble. If you have a sincere desire to defend yourself in a real situation, you'll have to sacrifice your ego, put aside the pride we hold so dear, and present yourself to someone who will teach and test you for the street. Look for someone who is willing to, at the very least, separate the art from the application. The art of the technique is not in how pretty the lines or circles are. The art is in the free use of the technique. The art is the science and psychology of aggression and physics, of leverage and kinetics, and not the "mysticism" in the so-called advanced levels.
An instructor who never gets dirty and avoids fighting you because he's afraid to hurt you is useless. The fact is, many instructors are often just scared of being humiliated in front of a full class of "paying" students. Any good instructor knows they can always learn more, even from a student. A truly skilled martial artist never stands in front of another man expecting to learn nothing. "The investment in loss," (as Chen Man Ching speaks of) means that a loss is not a failure if you walk away from it with something besides the bruises. Without loss there are no skills, no learning, and no advancement.
"You don't grow unless you go out of the confines of your own system/style...it is from the old we get security and the new that we get growth" - Dan Inosanto.
Walking Away
Training in D.G.C., like any other art, begins and ends with "RESPECT." As Instructors, the student is looked upon as being there because they need to learn to defend themselves, NOT so that the Instructor can show off! Care and nurturing in the training is conducted so that the student does not develop a false sense of security. For students, they are there to learn, and show their respect to the Instructor by their diligent practice. D.G.C.F.S. enhances martial arts of all styles. Even If you have no previous martial arts training, that is ok. We will show you how to deal with almost any situation. However, that does not mean that you should go out and get into a fight! WALKING AWAY is always the best solution BUT when you can not, D.G.C WILL give you the tools to protect yourself and your loved ones! D.G.C. students develop their fighting skills in all ranges of combat from several feet away to close quarter combat to ground fighting. In a real street fight, you are going to rely on gross motor skills and effective techniques. D.G.C.F.S. is based on easy-to-learn techniques.
The D.G.C.F.S. Program uses the gross motor Concept that will teach you the most cutting edge self defense techniques and brings you an innovative training regiment.
Do you understand what actually happens to your body during a true combative or life-or-death situation. Depending on your physical fitness level, your heart typically beats at 60-80 beats per minute. This is known as a resting heart rate and everything in your sympathetic nervous system is performing normally. However, when frightened, your heart rate jumps to 115 beats per minute, sometimes more, and your fine motor skills deteriorate. The ability to put a key in a car door or even tie your shoes becomes increasingly difficult. Why? You panic. Interestingly enough, this 115 to 145 beats per minute is the optimal survival and combat performance level for complex motor skills, visual reaction time, and cognitive thinking. Complex motor skills that are multi-muscle involved movements as found in all martial arts. Reverse punch, front kick, wrist lock, arm bar, hip throw, etc. This is the highest heart rate of most professional athletes and fighters. They are able to stay at this rate because they know that no one is trying to kill them. If you are able to train your body to respond appropriately to fear-induced stress under competitive conditions, you will be better able to survive during battle. At 145 beats per minute, your complex motor skills immediately begin to deteriorate and at 175, you can't think straight, you lose peripheral vision, your hearing excludes everything not in that tunnel vision, and vasoconstriction sets in as a natural way to reduce bleeding from any wounds you're about to suffer. Finally, above 175 is where irrational fight or flight sets in, as well as natural submissive behavior, also known as combat freezing.
Dark Gift Combat will train you to handle almost any situation!
NOW, does your Martial Art school train you in that way!? This just the tip of what we teach and there is so much more to say. Come and try a class... you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.