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Law Enforcement Training Elements Utilzed

We utilize the newest and up to date training aids to help the officer meet the grown demands place on them.


(F.A.T.S.) is an innovative training tool use by the military and many police departments nationwide.
It is designed to develop and sharpen an armed security professional's or police officer's discretionary
skills as well as reinforce conflict resolution abilities in real time. F.A.T.S. can also be used as a very
effective Corporate team building exercise.

The F.A.T.S. simulator is essentially a single-room virtual shootout that confronts an Officer with
on-screen real world tactical scenarios. The moment-to-moment and ultimate outcomes of these
scenarios are based upon the student's voice commands and actions. The Advanced Interactive
Systems ELS300 places the officer inside a virtual, interactive environment that forces immediate
judgments in a variety of tactical situations. An Instructor observes what the student says and
does and controls the "on screen" potentially hostile subject's behavior that makes the
confrontations tactically demanding and interactive.

The Firearms Training Simulator (F.A.T.S.) also supports marksmanship and judgmental training for non-lethal options such as verbal commands, baton, chemical spray and TASER®. Judgmental training includes force escalation/de-escalation, use of force and shoot/no shoot.


Tactical Airsoft Weapons Training 
Today's law enforcement community faces  an extremely dynamic environment where 
departments must deal with not only violent  crime and community safety but also possible 
threats to national security, budgetary constraints caused by increased demands, and increased 
individual officer and departmental accountability and liability in use of force applications.  It 
has become more and more critical for every officer to be able to demonstrate proficiency and 
competency in the use of the tools accorded to  him or her.  Airsoft represents a highly cost 
effective tool for achieving increased firearms and use of force training. 
Safety and Realism 
replicas are 1:1 in scale and approach or are equal in weight to the real firearm 
all key functional controls are duplicated 
with proper eye protection, the lightweight projectiles used in Airsoft guns completely 
eliminate any potential hazards associated with live-fire and Simunition® 
projectiles…the worst you can get is a small welt and a bruised ego 
which  is especially useful for adding realism to active shooter training scenarios 
safety combined with realism allows your  department to increase your personnel's 
weaponry skills, retention of those skills, and be more effective with the those skills when 
the moment counts 
Compatibility all tactical gear used by your department – optics, armor, eyewear, load bearing vests, 
slings – is fully compatible with these replicas, negating the need to purchase dedicateduse equipment associated with such tools as paintball guns because of their realistic replication of actual firearms, officers can experience increased familiarity and proficiency with the controls and use of their service weapons with  frequent training 


Shock Knife Training 
Biofeedback Tool
 It uses a mild painless shock to provide feedback when your technique needs
correction. Save time, energy, and money by training more efficiently.

Stress Exposure Training
A real knife attack creates a feeling of panic causing your body to respond
with the "fight or flight" syndrome. That same acute stress can now be
replicated during training by setting the SK-2 shock level to EXTREME.
At this level the knife sparks and growls, ready to bite with each attack.

Cut Location 
The SK-2 delivers a powerful shock upon contact allowing the trainee to
recognize both WHERE and WHEN they were exposed during the attack.
The shock will even arc through clothing! Unlike marking knives there is no messy marking compound to clean up after training.

Stress Inoculation 
True Stress Inoculation Training involves an incremental exposure to a stressor. The SK-2's four different shock level settings range from LOW to EXTREME, making it the only training tool in the world that can truly claim the ability to provide incremental stress training. The varied settings allow everyone that trains with the SK-2 to advance at their own pace.


Tactical indoor Simm/Airsoft Shoot house
We have 1500 sqft facility A shoot house is a laboratory where officers can learn the basics of combat firearms can hone their skills in a venue which approaches real-world conditions. It is a venue in which tactical teams, using Airsoft or simunition ammunition, can develop the choreography which allows them to overwhelm a target using speed, surprise and violence of action; or silence, stealth and covert movement.
Officers can learn how to CUT THE PIE, Tactical entry, clear a room, hall ways ect...
Team can learn to work as a unit. They must understand –and be competent in – proper movement with a firearm and the use of cover. They must grasp the concept of "scan and breathe."
This and much more can be learned.

Judgement pistol shooting
Airsoft Law enforcement Tactical Training

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